The Stories of a Food Addict
How I Won a 40-Year Battle Over Obesity
Includes the award-winning short story
The Cake is in the Mail
I Was Completely Over it:
Overweight, Overfed, Overwhelmed, Overstressed, Overworked and Overeating for all of the wrong reasons. Until I learned the secrets in my stories…
My Food Stories
In my book, Leaving Large: The Stories of A Food Addict, you will see how powerful feelings associated with certain foods contribute to food addiction, yo-yo dieting, cravings and binges. When your willpower, self-control, self-discipline and determination fade, then, it’s time to find your Food Story.
~ It’s Not About the Food ~
It’s About the Story Behind the Food
It all began when I asked my favorite uncle if he wanted some watermelon.
I figured he would say yes. After all, the big, bright red juicy watermelon on deck that day looked so sweet and refreshing. I couldn’t wait to dig in! “Billy,” I said, using the only name I ever called my uncle. “Do you want some of this watermelon?” “No,” he replied, totally disinterested.

This Book is Dedicated to You if You Are . . .
- Exhausted from years of losing weight only to gain it, and then some, all back.
- Accomplished in your professional life but dissatisfied by your inability to successfully manage your weight; too busy for yourself.
- Messed up by menopause.
- Helplessly suffering because your weight is harming your health.
- Troubled by out-of-control food costs that adversely impact your finances.
Longing for a Weight Loss Win!
- Embarrassed by the amount of money you have spent chasing empty
weight loss promises. - Sick of wasting time on “programs” that don’t work for your circumstance.
- Surprised by sudden “overnight” weight gain.
- Afraid to look in the mirror, take a picture or get on a scale.
Tired of looking at a closet filled with beautiful, "paid-good-money-for" clothes that are TOO tight, TOO small or TOO uncomfortable -- that look better on the hanger than on you, this book is for you.
Yes, I want to be FREE and I want my FREE excerpt from Leaving Large: The Stories of A Food Addict.
Meet the Author
Michelle Petties is a master Food Story finder, author and recovering food addict. Her first book, Leaving Large: The Stories of A Food Addict, features the award-winning story,
The Cake is in the Mail.
After gaining and losing 700 plus pounds over four decades, Michelle finally discovered that the “secret” to finding freedom from fat is in
the “story” behind the events, experiences and memories that formed her beliefs, attitude,
and habits about food, eating and hunger.
By unlocking her own unique Food Stories, Michelle debunked long held misconceptions and misconnections about the mind, body and food.
Armed with these insights, Michelle helps
others find their own food truths. She currently offers private coaching for select clients who
are ready to find, face, rewrite and replace
their own Food Stories.